

... plays an important role in science: From day-to-day research, to supervising junior colleagues, winning grants, managing a research group, planing long-term research endeavors, assembling an energetic team, to taking responsibility. Here I want to share my vision of leadership in the group.

Good leaders in science…

Personal leadership experience.

Before finishing my PhD, I have reached out to younger students and motivated them to join the team I was part of at the time. I strongly encourage my own students to do the same, thus taking part in finding their own peers. As a graduate student, I have had the honor to study in an environment that valued leadership, which allowed me to take the lead in several research collaborations at a young age. Providing the same opportunities to my own students is of utmost importance to me. 

As a Postdoc in the US and Germany, I have had the luck to guide a young graduate student to a PhD. As part of this endeavor, I was the lead-PI on seven joint publications and with more projects ongoing. I managed to keep spirits up when we faced challenges, which I view as essential for always bringing our projects across the finish line. I was also involved in critical steps of the supervision of several younger students (varying from junior PhD students to research interns), including the proposal, day-to-day management and finalization of various research projects. As a postdoc I also took on leading roles in several theory-experiment collaborations. In several cases I have led pioneering theoretical work that enabled some of the experimental works in the first place. The lesson I learnt was that good leaders ask questions: this can initiate projects and provoke key decisions at crucial turning points of projects. 

As a DFG project leader and senior researcher at LMU, I have brought together a highly skilled and motivated group of young students (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD’s) pursuing closely connected research projects. We have regular meetings, and the group knows their common goals: Collaborations are most explicitly encouraged and it is important to me that everyone has the chance to contribute to our long-term goals.