Revealing string patterns in the doped Hubbard model
Post date: July 21, 2019
In our recent article we present experimental results for the doped Fermi-Hubbard model at the lowest currently achievable temperatures. We detect string patterns and explain their doping-dependence by a surprisingly simple but elegant geometric string paradigm. This method only utilizes data at half filling and works for all consider doping values between 0 and 30 % hole doping.
The results have been published in Science:
C. S. Chiu, G. Ji, A. Bohrdt, M. Xu, M. Knap, E. Demler, F. Grusdt, M. Greiner, D. Greif, String patterns in the doped Hubbard model, Science 365, 6450, pp. 251 - 256.