ERC grant SimUcQuam
The European Research Council (ERC) is funding our research through an ERC Starting Grant awarded for the project: Simulating Ultracold Quantum Matter (SimUcQuam). The grant is running since November 2021.
Major achievements from SimUcQuam:
We proposed a new platform for realizing few-body physics: Doped quantum magnets hosting emergent Feshbach resonances: Linsel et al., arXiv:2406.08264
We proposed a realistic path for realizing and detecting superconducting order in doped quantum magnets with ultracold fermions in optical lattices: Schlömer et al., arXiv:2406.02551
Revealing the origins of high-Tc superconductivity: We proposed the Feshabach hypothesis of high-Tc superconductivity in cuprates: Homeier et al., arxiv:2312.02982, and argue that it may provide a unified framework for understanding high-Tc superconducivity in bilayer nickelates: Lange et al., arXiv:2309.13040, Schlömer et al., arxiv:2311.03349
We analyzed confinement of Z2 lattice gauge theories in 1D at finite temperatures: Kebric et al., Phys. Rev. B 109, 245110 (2024).
We proposed a new platform for studying doped antiferromagnets, bosonic t-J models: Homeier et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 230401 (2024)
We discovered the formation of individual stripes in a mixed-dimensional Hubbard model in a collaboration with the Bloch group: Bourgund et al, arxiv:2312.14156, following earlier theoretical work from our project: Schlömer et al., Phys. Rev. Res. 5, L022027 (2023)
We proposed a new scheme for realizing non-Abelian lattice gauge theories in ultracold atom experiments: Halimeh* & Homeier* et al., arxiv:2305.06373; and for Z2 lattice gauge theories with dynamical matter: Homeier et al., Communications Physics 6, 127 (2023).
We revealed the nature of tightly-bound hole pairs in a doped antiferromagnet: Bohrdt et al., Nature Communications 14, 8017 (2023) and Grusdt et al., SciPost Phys. 14, 090 (2023)
We discovered pairing of holes doped into an ultracold quantum antiferromagnet realized in the Bloch group: Hirthe et al., Nature 613, 463 - 467 (2023).
We predicted strong pairing of charge carriers in mixed-dimensional bilayer antiferromagnets: Bohrdt et al., Nature Physics 18, 651–656 (2022)