Realization of a two-site Z2 lattice gauge theory
Post date: Oct 12, 2019
In a collaboration with the experimental group of Monika Aidelsburger and Immanuel Bloch (LMU) the elementary building block for Z2 lattice gauge theories coupled to matter was realized. It consists of a double-well system with a Z2-charged matter field (a) and a second atom realizing the link variable that defines the Z2 gauge field (f), as we proposed together in our previous theory paper (see: ScienceAdvances 5, no. 10, NEWS). We considered non-equilibrium dynamics of this system which reveal the underlying Z2 symmetry, and studied imperfections which will be important to have under control in future realizations of extended Z2 lattice gauge theories.
Our work has been published in Nature Physics:
C. Schweizer, F. Grusdt, M. Berngruber, L. Barbiero, E. Demler, N. Goldman, I. Bloch and M. Aidelsburger, Floquet approach to Z2 lattice gauge theories with ultracold atoms in optical lattices, Nature Physics (2019).