Theses from the group
Master's thesis, Reja Wilke, "1D Quantum Matter Beyond Luttinger Liquids: Hidden Order and Confinement".
PhD thesis, Nader Mostaan, "Strongly interacting phenomena in synthetic quantum systems: from nonlinear topological wave propagation to mobile quantum impurity physics".
Master's thesis, Pietro Borchia, "BCS-to-BEC Crossover in Bilayer Nickelate Superconductors".
Master's thesis, Gaia De Paciani, "Quantum Simulation of Fermionic Non-Abelian Lattice Gauge Theories in (2+1)D".
Master's thesis, Gesa Dünnweber, "Confinement Phase Transitions in Z2 Lattice Gauge Theories".
PhD thesis, Matjaz Kebric, "Z2 Lattice gauge theories coupled to dynamical matter: In the age of quantum simulation".
PhD thesis, Lukas Homeier, "Parton phenomena in doped quantum magnets and quantum simulators: From Hubbard models to lattice gauge theories".
Master's thesis, Chinonso Onah (external)
Master's thesis, Manu Canals (external)
Master's thesis, Helene Lösl, "Polarons in the Triangular t–J Model".
Bachelor's thesis, Jan-Philipp Christ, "Flow Equation Approach to Bosonic Impurity Problems".
PhD thesis, Felix Palm, "Fractional Chern Insulators in Hofstadter-Hubbard Models: New Probes and Routes Towards Cold Atom Quantum Simulation".
Master's thesis, Pit Bermes, "Magnon Excitations in two-dimensional doped Antiferromagnets".
Master's thesis, Conall McCabe, "Quantum Simulation of Lattice Quantum Electrodynamics using Rydberg Tweezer Arrays".
Bachelor's thesis, Luc Malinowski, "Chevy Ansatz for the single hole doped t-J model in two dimensions".
Master's thesis, Simon Linsel, "Confined and Deconfined States of Doped Antiferromagnets".
Bachelor's thesis, Annika Böhler, "Luttinger’s Theorem in the One-Dimensional tJ-Model".
Bachelor's thesis, Cemal Yigit Özkan, "Superexchange Interaction and Zhang-Rice Singlet on CuO and CuO2 Planes".
Master's thesis, Friederike Horn, "Higher Order Topological Phases and Finite Temperature Quantum Magnets".
Bachelor's thesis, Helene Lösl, "Linear String Theory for the Single Hole Doped Quantum Dimer Model".
Bachelor's thesis, Dmytro Melnichenko, "String Breaking Dynamics in a Ladder".
Bachelor's thesis, Jakob Huhn, "Diabatic Quenches in the Fermi-Hubbard Model".
Master's thesis, Petar Cubela, "Magnon Excitations in Doped Quantum Magnets".
Bachelor's thesis, Lauritz Hahn, "Signatures of a Deconfinement Phase Transition in Doped Antiferromagnets".
Master's thesis, Lukas Homeier, "Analog quantum simulation and single hole doping of Z2 lattice gauge theories".
Master's thesis, Matjaz Kebric, "Doped Antiferromagnets and Z2 Lattice Gauge Theories in One-Dimension".
Bachelor's thesis, Julius Hallmann, "Doping-driven Phase Transitions in Three-dimensional Anti-ferromagnets".
Bachelor's thesis, Christian Reinmoser, "Effective Spin Coupling in the Squeezed Space Picture of the t − J Model".